“Can lower back pain be fixed with exercises?”
I have lower back pain. Can lower back pain be fixed with exercises?
8 Answers
There are a multitude of causes for low back pain, but yes exercises can absolutely help in most cases. I would encourage you to see a qualified provider so they can assess and describe what exercises would be the most beneficial for you!
Exercise is one of the foundations for solving many and most cases of low back pain. The best thing to do is to find exercises which do not add stress to the lower back but which are supportive of improving the strength and range of motion of the lumbar spine. Be sure to consult an exercise expert either in either a physical therapy session or else someone with a degree in exercise physiology. Some of the best exercises for the low back include swimming and cycling, both of which remove the stress off the low back. Avoid those types of things that add stress to the spine like weight lifting for squats or military presses. Good luck! Kenneth D. Candido, M.D. Professor of Clinical Anesthesiology-UIC Professor of Clinical Surgery-UIC ASIPP Board of Directors-to 2023 CEO & President of Chicago Anesthesia Associates CEO & President of Chicago Anesthesia Pain Specialists Phone: (773) 562-9549 Kdcandido1@gmail.com kdcandido@yahoo.com kdcandido2@gmail.com (assistant)
In all honesty there is a difference between reduction of the pain and actually correcting the problem. Certain exercises depending on the situation may reduce the pain and improve mobility. But in my 34 years of experience dealing with professional athletes as well as non athletes the problem cannot be fixed with exercise alone. So by the definition of the word fixed the answer is no.
I utilize exercise for my patients regularly as they undergo corrective care. Chiropractic is the #1 treatment for lower back pain. Call one in your area.
I utilize exercise for my patients regularly as they undergo corrective care. Chiropractic is the #1 treatment for lower back pain. Call one in your area.
It depends on what is actually causing the pain. Is it joint, disc, nerve or muscle or a combo? Exercise is usually good, but if it exacerbates the pain, get a professional to diagnose and make a good treatment plan. Take care and be well. Dr. Eric Miller- Orland Park, Ill
Depends on what the problem is. Exercises can be enough or they can only be part of the solution. A proper examination and treatment plan needs to be specific to the individual.' Shawn Nelson DC Pointes Chiropractic PLLC 22930 East 9 Mile Rd. Ste. 300 St. Clair Shores, MI 48080 p: 586-940-0294 f: 949-404-8415 w: pointeschiropractic.com s: Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/PointesChiro> Instagram <https://www.instagram.com/pointeschiro/> Twitter <https://twitter.com/PointesChiro>