Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Can sleeping wrong cause shoulder blade pain?

I am a 28 year old female. I want to know if sleeping wrong can cause shoulder blade pain?

6 Answers

10000 percent
dont sleep in that shoulder
Of course. Besides stretching the muscles and making an imbalance, the rib that the shoulder is anchored to can get small displacements, called "subluxations"
Yes, it can. This is most common with people that sleep on their sides. Try to sleep flat on your back. It may take a few weeks to get used to it. You may need to get some treatment for the upper back/shoulder pain if there is already a problem in that area.

Take care and be well,

Dr. Eric Miller
Absolutely! Sleeping wrong or improper sleeping posture is one of the leading causes of neck, shoulder, back, and hip pain. Sleeping all night wrong with all of your body weight on your shoulder in a bad position can cause a number of problems, including pain.

Side sleeping improperly can cause misalignment of the neck, upper back, shoulder, and ribcage as well as strain the muscles of the neck, upper back, shoulder blade, and shoulder. It can also cut of nerve and blood flow to the arm and upper extremity,
Yes, unfortunately sleeping in an awkward position can cause pain in the shoulder blade.
Proper sleeping posture and appropriate pillow and mattress can make all the difference unless this is some misalignment in the neck, upper back or shoulder.