Dermapathologist Questions Dermapathologist

Can you get new moles in your early 30s?

About a year ago or so, I noticed a bunch of new moles on my back. I didn’t think anything of it and assumed it was just something that happened as you got older. But they were recently brought to my attention again, so I’ve been googling and now I’m very concerned. I plan to mention it to my doctor but is it possible to get new moles in your 30s?

Female | 34 years old

4 Answers

It is possible to develop new moles in your 30s, as skin changes can continue throughout life. However, any new moles or changes in existing ones should be monitored, especially if they change in size, color, or shape, or if they become itchy or bleed.

We recommend scheduling a consultation with Dr. Shafa at IrvineSkin in Irvine, Orange County, to have your moles professionally evaluated. Dr. Shafa can assess the moles and provide the necessary guidance or treatment to ensure your skin health.
Dear patient , New moles can be very concerning , In due to you haveing new moles I would recommended you to go get them check out by a PCP or dermatologist.Also moles can appear on the skin after the age of 30 but its rare that they do. Make an appointment to make sure they are not melanoma . Best regards Nekia Crutchfield , MD
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Developing new moles in your 20s, 30s, and later in life is possible. It is important for you to assess if their numbers or size is increasing unusually quickly. There are a few benign growths that appear normally as we age. But anything that you aren't sure of is worth getting examined. Your healthcare specialist will be able to see it under a lens and tell you for sure. I hope this helps. Take care.
Yes, very common