Dentist Questions Dentist

Can you remove braces early?

I am an 18 year old female. I want to know if you can remove braces early?

5 Answers

Yes, they can be removed at any time, but it is best to finish treatment.
The simple answer is no. The amount of time to straighten your teeth will be determined by the orthodontist. Sometime treatment times are shorter than anticipated, but that is an exception to the rule.

Keep Smiling,

David M. Kaffey, DDS
Ultimately you can remove braces at anytime, however like most things there are consequences and risks to consider. The teeth have move d to some extent and probably will not mesh or fit like they did before treatment started. This can contribute to tooth wear mobility breakage and or loss and or jaw disfunction and possible associated pain.
Yes ,but the consequences of removing them early without any way to keep the teeth in position will allow for them to relapse.
It is NOT a good idea to have braces removed before the orthodontist says your teeth are properly aligned. They will not chew properly, may not look their best, and might cause jaw joint pain.