Dentist Questions Dentist

Dry socket?

I just had all bottom teeth removed and stitched up. But when I swallow my tongue touches it no matter how hard I try not to. Will I most likely get dry socket no matter?

Male | 31 years old
Complaint duration: Today
Medications: Hydrocodone, ibuprofen, amoxicillin
Conditions: None

4 Answers

Probably not. Touching the area with your tongue should not cause a dry socket. 30% of the lower extractions can result in a dry socket no matter what you do.  But the things that cause it most are Alcohol, Smoking, Drinking Through a Straw, and Sodas. Avoid those, rinse with
very warm salt water and you should be fine. Good luck!
No. That will not cause dry socket. Swallow away.

Dr Jensen
Touching the area of extraction should not cause a dry socket. Make sure you keep rinsing with warm salt water for like 3-5 days and stay on a soft diet while avoiding hard food or spicy to avoid during healing time and continue the antibiotics and if you feel severe pain or swelling or inflammations around the area of extraction to contact your dentist to treat it ASAP.
It is normal for your tongue to touch the area. That should not necessarily cause a dry socket. Keep rinsing the area.