Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions Ear ache

Eardrum looks funky? Also weird lump?

32 Fwith chronic ear infection and spontaneous eardrum ruptures since infant. No recent ear infections or known ruptures, but sudden hearing loss. Recently used a digital otoscope at home that was purchased.
1st image is left ear, is the eardrum ruptures?
2nd and 3rd image is right ear. I don't see the ear drum and there appears to be a greyish white lump in there?
Cause for concern?

Female | 32 years old
Complaint duration: 1 month

1 Answer

The lump is your malleus. its one of the ear bones. The only problem I see is the retraction of your ear drum, indicating eustachian tube dysfunction. Get some Afrin decongestant nasal spray. Use it twice daily for 3 days and try hard to pop your ears, like you are on a plane (valsalva). Start using nasal steroids, flonase, 2 sprays in each nostril daily. this will also help you to pop your ears. If the ear pressure does not clear, you need to visit an ENT and get a eustachian tube dilation. Otherwise, over time, the negative pressure on the ear drum will cause a cholesteatoma.
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