Orthopedics Questions Orthopaedic Surgeon

Fracture on lower leg?

I got into an accident last year and fractured my tibia. I did an x-ray and the doc said it was in a recovering process. So I believed. This year, however, I still feel the occasional pain, the numbness on the lower part of my leg, and the swelling isn't lessening.

1) Does it take longer to heal especially without putting a cast?
2) Why does it hurt sometimes even if it wasn't really a bad accident?
3) Do I have to see an ortho and do the scan again?

Female | 34 years old

1 Answer

Leg fractures take a long time to heal. Often residual soft tissue complaints can take years to resolve. Your treating doctor can discuss your x-rays with you, and any symptoms you are having. Often aerobic activity helps a healed arm or leg to normalize. Aerobic activity means getting your heart rate up on a regular schedule. Ache is Great. Sharp pain means STOP.