Orthopedist Questions Orthopedist

How can I improve my walking after ankle surgery?

I had ankle surgery 6 weeks ago. How can I improve my walking after ankle surgery?

3 Answers

I suggest you see a physical therapist who can work with you to improve your walking
If your walking is altered only after ankle surgery, the problem lies in surgery and/or its post-operative physical therapy. I am not sure what surgery you had and whether it was appropriately indicated. Post-operatively you must have been treated with physical therapy for stretching and strengthening. Stretching/strengthening is counter-productive and harmful. Your ankle problem is most likely derived from physical therapy. Soft tissue around the ankle must have been all jammed up, causing pain, tightness and weakness. Such soft tissue (muscle, fascia) injury must be released via light touch for 3-4 hours, but never stretching/strengthening again. Once all is released, there is no more pain, tightness or weakness and your walking will be back to normal. This is detailed in my book "NO MORE PAIN All Pain Considered - A Breakthrough". Please visit my website: NoMorePainClinic,com and a link "Samples of Pain Mismanagement" .  
Physical therapy