“How can I prevent getting bunions after surgery?”
I had bunion surgery and I am getting physical therapy. How can I prevent getting bunions after surgery?
7 Answers
Honestly, the most important aspect would be procedure selection. If the bunion procedure performed was appropriate for your level of deformity you should have little to no concerns for it coming back. However if they "under-corrected" or there is a rotation component to the bunion you have an increased chance of it coming back. A good custom orthotic could control pronation which might reduce the chances, but it's all about what type of surgery you had for your specific bunion.
Bunions occurs due to wrong weight-bearing in your foot. Your foot is loading incorrectly. Either your leg is too tight making you walk out of alignment, or you might need orthotics to prevent them from reoccurring.
The best way to prevent recurrence is to wear orthotics and proper shoes the majority of your weight bearing time.
Angela Didyk, DPM
Angela Didyk, DPM