Surgeon Questions surgeon

I have pain that is spreading?

I have pain to the right of my right testicle which started around 1/20. The pain has spread to both sides of my groin, down to my upper thighs, and very recently has spread to the right side of my right foot. I have been to many doctors and have had many tests. I was diagnosed with a need for a right knee replacement, I have had iliac vein surgery, has an enlarged prostate and lost ability to urinate. I had a catheter for a bit. I have a tear on the right side of my hip. I've gone to the Mayo Clinic. They said my spine, hips. back is not causing my groin pain, but a hernia is. My doc had stated a hernia normally doesn't cause so much groin pain, and while he's in there if he sees more, he will take care of it. Why is my groin pain so bad?

Male | 68 years old
Complaint duration: 1 and 1/2 years
Conditions: Above

4 Answers

Did you have nerve conductions studies? Btw Mayo clinic is not all that. I had a patient go there who had lupus and they told her that all her pain was because she is getting old and totally dismissed her.
You have neuropathy. Consult Functional medicine and start acupuncture with Moxibustion. Lose weight if overweight or obese.

This sounds like a complicated case. You need to see someone like me who also treats pelvic pain. You may benefit from a pudendal nerve block, nerve medications and possibly suppositories.
Hip arthritis can cause groin pain.

Robert D. Swift, DO, FAOAO