Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions Orthopedist

How can I strengthen my ankles?

My ankles are very weak. How can I strengthen my ankles?

9 Answers

Heel and toe raises and work on balance and proprioception on balance board or disc type of body ball. Also resistance training with bands can help
Sit next to a wall or some other object that won't move with pressure put on it. Push the outside of your foot against the wall. You will feel the muscles on the outside of your leg tighten up. These are the muscles that prevent ankle sprains. Count slowly to ten. Relax. Repeat, repeat, repeat.
It is important to do proprioceptive or balancing exercises. Using bands are very helpful for strengthening your ankles.
Hi! I would look up exercises to strengthen your calf muscle, balancing exercises and exercises that use a TheraBand for the foot. If this does not help, see a podiatrist for an evaluation and possible prescription for physical therapy.
The answer is it depends on why your ankle is weak. so if it is caused by inactivity, then simply working out at a gym will be enough, however, if there is an underlying medical reason, then you have to be evaluated.
Hello, Thank you for your question. We you have to evaluate you and take foot x-rays if needed. Please call our office 973-817-9577 or on our portal drtotten.com for an appointment.
Thank you
I recommend you make an appointment with a foot and ankle specialist (podiatrist) for diagnosis and treatment options.
There are many types of proprioceptive exercises, such as a BAPS board and other physical therapy modalities to try to strengthen your ankles. But if you have had multiple sprains, you may have over-stretched or ruptured your ankle ligaments which may require surgical repair to resolve the weakness
Google ankle stretching and strengthening exercises, or get a referral for a physical therapist evaluation.