Dentist Questions Braces, Oral

Are braces the only way to fix buck teeth?

I've had buck teeth for a while, and probably would have needed braces when I was a kid, but I didn't go to the dentist as much as I should have gone. Now, as an adult, I don't really want my buck teeth any more and would love to have them fixed. But are braces the only way to fix them?

27 Answers

The correct way would be either metals braces or Invisalign or clear trays
Braces, Invisalgn possibly cosmetic crowns.
Braces may be able to move teeth into a more ideal alignment, but are not the only technique available. Surgery may also be required, along with restorative prosthodontic treatment such as crowns and veneers, or a combination of the techniques. The only way to get a sure answer is to schedule a dental consultation and have the necessary X-rays, dental models, and workup.
Usually, orthodontic treatment is the best way to correct "buck" teeth, but there may be other options. Consult an orthodontist and a prosthodontist for diagnosis and treatment.
Not the only way, however, it may or may not be the best way. Do not have teeth extracted to fix the problem. See a neuromuscular dentist.
Yes and no. Depends on the severity of correction. An orthodontic consult might help. Braces, Invisalign style aligners removable appliances are some of the methods
No. Other means have been created to move your teeth. Time will be one way or another to get your teeth moved to look better and eat better too. Several systems are used by orthodontists or dentists who like doing orthodontics. Find one and try one.
Often times this is the best way to fix malpositioned teeth. Go to an orthodontist for an evaluation. Often they will do a consultation for free and you can discuss your options.
it can be done in a few different ways
Braces are the best option because they will fix your bite without altering tooth structure. There is a lot of options to choose from like clear aliners Invisalign ,clear brackets, lingual brackets.As an adult you can choose shorter cosmetic option to just fix the buck teeth.
There are more options nowadays than braces like invisalign in which no need to put the braces on and monthly visits
Your other option would be veneers or some sort of smile makeover. Depending on the nature of your smile we can define what treatment will serve you best to fix your smile.
There is another way of fixing this problem if you do not want to show braces. Consider having clear aligners or Invisalign. They are very effective and very aesthetic.
Usually, yes. Some cases can be fixed with veneers or crowns.
About 80% of all orthodontic cases can be fixed with in Invisalign. These are clear-like retainers that are changed every two weeks and each one slightly moves your teeth. You take them out for eating, they are comfortable, and there’s no metal involved. This is the most modern wait for adults to do braces without the actual braces.

Best regards,

Dr. Mark Berkowitz
Most of the time, “buck teeth” would have to be fixed with braces or some other orthodontic appliance. Sometimes they can be fixed with crowns or veneers depending on the the degree of how far they stick out. But as a general rule, some form of braces would have to be involved to correct this issue. A dentist will do a thorough evaluation and give you all your options based on your specific circumstances.

Dr. Brandon Nicholson, D.D.S.
It all depends on the condition of your teeth. You need orthodontic treatment to realign your teeth. It could be by traditional braces or, if possible, by Invisalign. You need to have a consultation to determine that.
In some cases. Veneers are a good option, too. You need to be evaluated to see if you are a candidate for veneers or not.
Physical braces, brackets, rubber bands, and wires are the most controllable technique used by orthodontists today. Those tools allow them to have full control over your orthodontic case. But many adults prefer to use the Invisalign tray system when they are an appropriate candidate for that technique. You, the patient, must wear multiple sets of trays that are custom designed at the Invisalign laboratory. Your dentist will monitor your case during the exchange of tray sets. I have been told that there may be some obstacles to obtaining an excellent end result due to the limitations that the tray system inherently has. The solution is to have the orthodontist place finalization brackets for a short time in order to complete your case to its best possible end. But you need to be under the care of an orthodontist in order for this to be done. So, be aware of that potential situation before having a non-orthodontist specialist take charge of your treatment.
Good luck with your ortho therapy.
If you want the best possible results, yes. You have the most predictable results with conventional orthodontics.
Depending on your oral health and the extent of your bad bite, invisalign may benefit you
Typically braces or clear aligners is the best way to get rid of buck teeth. Sometimes cosmetic bonding or veneers can be used to give the appearance of less protruded smile. Many cosmetic enhancements can be done today that significantly improve smiles. You need a consult in the office to determine your best options.

Best of luck

Dr David Wiseman
Often times Orthodontics for braces to correct teeth that are sticking out is the best option. Occasionally a product such as short-term Orthodontics which may be able to just correct those Front Teeth in 6 to 9 months may be beneficial. Other options could include removing some of those Front Teeth and either doing a permanent Bridge or placing implants
Braces are the best, most effective way to correct tooth position. There might be different options for your treatment; invisible braces (like invisalign) or cemented braces. Your options depend on the amount of tooth movement needed.
Buck teeth can be caused by a variety of problems. Not knowing more about your problem limits the help I can provide. I do understand the cosmetic and social considerations and I will try to help. Perhaps you could provide more information and perhaps some photographs. Consider these possibilities and note if any pertain to you. If childhood thumb sucking was a habit and lasted beyond age 12, then the upper bone formed around the thumb and stopped growing in that position. In this situation either advanced orthodontics called "rapid palate expansion" will be needed or perhaps even a surgical procedure to reposition the bone or both. If you fell as a child as all children do and impacted your chin with your mouth open, the lower jaw would have been driven backward and perhaps damaged the growth plates. This would have led to the lower jaw not fully expressing itself, and with natural remodeling created excessive overjet (overjet is the professional term for buck teeth). In this case simple orthodontics might be the answer, or if severe enough then perhaps some advanced orthodontics and/or maxillofacial surgery. If the overjet is simply natural, simple orthodontics well might be the best answer. 

Other options would not be practical such as crowning all the teeth, front and back. I hate cutting into perfectly healthy teeth because no matter how good we dentists get at what we do, our materials are never a substitute for natural tooth enamel. In my practice I go through an entire month providing exams on patients of record without finding a single cavity. My point is that you want to be as conservative as possible. I treat many orthodontic problems, but yours sounds like something that should be handled by a trained orthodontist.

I hope this helps.

Neal Nealis, DDS
Proper orthodontic diagnosis and treatment is still the safest and most durable way to treat your stated condition, especially if your teeth and periodontal condition (gums) are healthy.
Depending upon your situation (please remember that I haven't had the opportunity to examine your bite), braces are just one way to correct "bucked teeth." Orthodontically, aligners, such as Invisalign or removable appliances, can also move teeth into a more pleasing position. Sometimes (again, based upon examination by a dentist) bonding, veneers, or crowns may be able to improve the situation. If you're interested in correcting your bucked teeth, you probably should have a thorough examination and evaluation by a dentist who could provide you with treatment options.

Hope this helps,

Steven Chamish, DDS