“How long after ankle surgery can I go back to daily activities?”
I will have ankle replacement surgery. How long after ankle surgery can I go back to daily activities?
6 Answers
Generally, it takes several months to fully recover from ankle replacement surgery. The initial weeks and months after surgery are crucial for healing and rehabilitation. You will likely be required to wear a cast or brace for a period of time, and you will need to follow a physical therapy program to regain strength, flexibility, and range of motion in your ankle.
The timeline for returning to daily activities after ankle replacement surgery varies depending on individual factors and the type of surgery performed. Generally, it may take several weeks to months before you can resume normal activities. Follow your surgeon's guidance closely for a safe and successful recovery.
Presuming your surgeon fully consented you for this surgery, when to return to 'daily activities' is a difficult question. What is a "daily activity" for you? There are some relative contraindications regarding activities in the first 3 months if not forever after ankle replacement surgery, unless you want yet another surgery sooner than anticipated. Also, depending whether there were surgical complications, or your bones or soft-tissues are not optimized for healing (especially if you smoke, have diabetes, osteopenia, autoimmune disorder, or circulation issues) there may be a period of limited weight-bearing which would delay your return to "daily activities". My recommendation is to take it one step at a time: contact your surgeon and confirm the likelihood for any weight-bearing restrictions; follow postoperative instructions to the 'T'; do your physical therapeutic restorative activities; and ask for feedback when you don't seem to be recovering as expected. Often I see postoperative joints due to persistent pain and dysfunction...but there are several steps you have to (hopefully) move through before you should need services from someone like me. However, i am always happy to help you achieve a more successful outcome! Good luck!
That really depends on what type of ankle surgery you are to have and on what your surgeon tells you. You should ask your surgeon what activities are OK for you and which are not. You should also probably support the ankle after you heal with a boot or an ankle brace,, also depending on your surgeons advice.
Returning to daily activities will be determined by several factors, including but not limited to procedure(s) performed and what activities you are looking to perform. I recommend you discuss with a foot and ankle surgeon (podiatrist) to determine diagnosis and treatment options.
Thank you for your question. Your orthopedic surgeon will advise you on this matter. It is not possible for me to offer an opinion since I know nothing of the ankle condition that required a surgical procedure. Additionally, many other factors contribute to the rate & to the degree of healing your ankle is capable of & for me to interpret the extent of daily activities you expect to accomplish. I encourage you to achieve your prior level of daily activities but to do so under the direction of your orthopedic surgeon who will offer rehabilitation strategies that meet your anticipated recovery needs. Best wishes for your recovery. GA Browne MD. FRC Get Outlook for iOS<https://aka.ms/o0ukef>