“How long after chiropractor can I exercise?”
I am a 38 year old male. I want to know how long after chiropractor can I exercise?
7 Answers
It is more important to ask your individual chiropractor because they know the extent of your injury and what treatments they did in the office all of that will determine when you can exercise again
I start my patients on stretching and exercises from the beginning of their treatment. What exercises the should do depends on their complaints, physical capabilities and opportunities. This has to be evaluated from the examination and response to treatment. I can't answer that question with out knowing the patient. A generic question like this leads to misunderstanding. I have asked patients what exercises they mean and got all kinds of answers. Some of these "exercises" are contra indicated due to the patient's age, injuries' and/or physical conditioning.
It all depends. Is there an injury and is the injury serious. If you just received an adjustment and there is no injury, I would recommend 24 hours before exercising. The muscles are reset with an adjustment and the nervous system is being reprogrammed.
Depending on the injury that you were being treated for, most chiropractors encourage movement and physical activity following treatment. Spinal manipulation (the most common type of procedure utilized by chiropractors) helps to decrease pain and improve movement, but the effects are temporary. By being physically active following chiropractic care, the best results are often attained.
The sooner the better, as long as there are not any reasons that you should not be exercising (i.e. after an injury, etc)
You can usually exercise right away granted you are someone who typically exercises all the time and you don’t have any medical conditions that a doctor recommended to refrain from exercise.