Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

How can I stop my shoulders from hurting at night?

I am a 31 year old male. I want to know how can I stop my shoulders from hurting at night?

11 Answers

Don’t sleep on the painful side. And apply ice before bed.
Find out what activities may be causing the pain. Assess your posture. Also, make sure you're not overworking your shoulder muscles without proper rest and nutrition.
Having a chiropractor evaluate the pillow you sleep on as well as any dysfunction in the neck and upper back and shoulders that may need adjusting.
I would seek out the help of a medical professional with this first and then you would be able to possibly treat with a course of at home remedies. Until and clinical diagnosis has been made through evaluation of the chief complaint, it is difficult to answer this question. Go seek out your medically trained expert before trying anything you find on the internet.
Shoulders are complex, and as I don’t know what your specific issue is, it is hard to be sure. But, here are some tips: Don’t sleep with your elbows above your shoulders because this stretches the blood vessels to the glenohumeral joint, impinging blood flow to it. One problem that makes the shoulder hurt at night is a slipped corachohumeral ligament. Chiropractors who studied sacro-occipital technique (SOT) should know how to adjust this. Another contributing problem is a latissimus dorsi muscle that doesn’t hold you back posture squarely. The exercise for this is done sitting on a chair with your thighs directed straight forward (not crossed, spread out, or pressed together), then arch your back into a sway and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Hold this got one minute. Do several times a day and see if your shoulder pain at night begins to improve. Your pillow should be the height that allows you to keep your neck in neutral, so it doesn’t tip forward or backward when you’re on your back, or if you’re on your side that it doesn’t tip sideways.
A good technique to support shoulders at night is put small couch pillows under both arm pits to alleviate tension
You need to get your neck and spine realigned to restore proper muscle tone to the neck and shoulders
Shoulder pain can be caused by a variety of different things. Neck problems, rotocuff problems, or just sleeping wrong. A proper diagnosis is important when dealing with this issue. Then a proper care plan can be established to put you back in action.
Having a good ergonomic posture in the day time while sitting or working. Using a specialized pillow for the neck can help prevent shoulder pain at night time.
My guess is that you are a side sleeper. Many people sleep on the incorrect pillow or have their shoulders also on the pillow at night. Proper positioning is important.
It is important to have adequate strength in the rotator cuff, rhomboids, and lower trapezius for healthy pain free shoulders. Without this balance of these muscles the chest muscles round the shoulders forward and create pain and dysfunction.