Tawana Feimster
Endodontist | Endodontics
Dr. Tawana Feimster is an endodonist practicing in Rock Hill, SC. Dr. Feimster is a specialist dentist, focusing on tooth pain, root canals and other issues related to the interior part of the tooth. Endodonists can diagnose problems and perform procedures to fix them. Treatment from an endodonist can often save a diseased tooth. Root canal treatment is one of the most common procedures performed by an endodonist.
29 years
Tawana Feimster
- Rock Hill, SC
- UNC-Chapel Hill
- Accepting new patients
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How do you get rid of a toothache headache?
A toothache can result from multiple causes. You should visit your endodontist for an exam and X-ray to help determine the cause and for any necessary treatment. Tawana D. Feimster, READ MORE
A toothache can result from multiple causes. You should visit your endodontist for an exam and X-ray to help determine the cause and for any necessary treatment.
Tawana D. Feimster, DDS, MS
Tawana D. Feimster, DDS, MS
Can I use Sensodyne if I don't have sensitive teeth?
Sensodyne has fluoride as an active ingredient, and fluoride helps to keep the teeth strong. Therefore, you can use it without having sensitivity.
Tawana D. Feimster, DDS, MS READ MORE
Sensodyne has fluoride as an active ingredient, and fluoride helps to keep the teeth strong. Therefore, you can use it without having sensitivity.
Tawana D. Feimster, DDS, MS
Tawana D. Feimster, DDS, MS
What is the most difficult tooth to extract?
The difficulty of the extraction is based on the dentist's skill level and relative to the integrity of the bone and anatomy of the crown and roots. The mandibular (lower jaw) READ MORE
The difficulty of the extraction is based on the dentist's skill level and relative to the integrity of the bone and anatomy of the crown and roots. The mandibular (lower jaw) bone tends to be harder than the maxillary (upper jaw) bone. Curved roots are more difficult to extract than straight roots.
Tawana Feimster, DDS, MS
Tawana Feimster, DDS, MS
How often should you get a deep cleaning?
You would have to get a periodontal consultation to determine if you need on. The frequency is based on the condition. Please see your local general dentist or periodontist for READ MORE
You would have to get a periodontal consultation to determine if you need on. The frequency is based on the condition. Please see your local general dentist or periodontist for an examination.
Tawana D. Feimster, DDS, MS
Tawana D. Feimster, DDS, MS
How long does it take to get used to partial dentures?
Everyone has a different experience. The more you wear them, the quicker it will be for you to be comfortable with them.
Tawana D. Feimster, DDS, MS
Tawana D. Feimster, DDS, MS
Do dental crowns look natural?
They definitely should match the adjacent teeth and appear natural.
Tawana D. Feimster, DDS, MS
Tawana D. Feimster, DDS, MS
What is the fastest way to heal a gum graft?
After the graft is completed, the provider will discuss home care instructions based on the type of graft.
Tawana D. Feimster, DDS, MS
Tawana D. Feimster, DDS, MS
Do I need antibiotics for an infected wisdom tooth?
Antibiotics are not always required. It depends on the severity of the infection. Please follow up with your local dentist.
Tawana D. Feimster, DDS, MS
Tawana D. Feimster, DDS, MS
What happens if you don't floss while having braces?
Your gums can become inflamed.
Tawana D. Feimster, DDS, MS
Tawana D. Feimster, DDS, MS
How do you prepare your teeth for braces?
You would need to consult with the provider.
Tawana D. Feimster, DDS, MS
Tawana D. Feimster, DDS, MS
How long do braces take to straighten front teeth?
Everyone’s time is different. It’s recommended that you consult your local orthodontist for a consultation.
Tawana D. Feimster, DDS, MS
Tawana D. Feimster, DDS, MS
Can you brush your teeth after bone graft?
After the bone graft, you should follow the dentist recommendation. Brushing your teeth is essential for good oral health and the dentist may tell you how to manage the site with READ MORE
After the bone graft, you should follow the dentist recommendation. Brushing your teeth is essential for good oral health and the dentist may tell you how to manage the site with the graft.
Tawana D. Feimster, DDS, MS
Tawana D. Feimster, DDS, MS
How many times a day should I floss?
It's best to floss after you eat to remove the food from between the teeth, however, 1-2 times a day is normal.
Tawana Feimster, DDS, MS
Tawana Feimster, DDS, MS
Do you have to be put to sleep for tooth extraction?
Tooth extractions can be done without any sedatives, with oral sedatives, nitrous oxide, IV sedation or general anesthesia. Patient make the decision if they want any type of sedation READ MORE
Tooth extractions can be done without any sedatives, with oral sedatives, nitrous oxide, IV sedation or general anesthesia. Patient make the decision if they want any type of sedation or not and it’s usually based on anxiety and/or expectations.
Tawana D. Feimster, DDS, MS
Tawana D. Feimster, DDS, MS
What is a good age for braces?
There is no specific age for braces. You should have a consultation with your general dentist to see if you need a referral to see an orthodontist. Tawana D. Feimster, DDS, MS READ MORE
There is no specific age for braces. You should have a consultation with your general dentist to see if you need a referral to see an orthodontist.
Tawana D. Feimster, DDS, MS
Tawana D. Feimster, DDS, MS