Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

How long should I take antidepressants for depression?

I have depression. How long should I take antidepressants for depression?

2 Answers

a minimum of one year, and if depression has been recurrent, possibly indefinitely. Carol A Tavani, MD, MS, DLFAPA Executive Director, Christiana Psychiatric Services Office: 302 454 9900 Mobile: 302 540 2656
This very much depends on the disorder you are being seen for. If this an acute stressor which is resulting in increased anxiety or depression, 6-12 months. If something more drastic has happened, which takes a serious toll to family, friends, spouse, etc., it be necessary to go on medication for a longer time, or the rest of your life. But, that is not a problem. If you were told you had diabetes and told you would needed to take medication to manage it, you would probably be ok with that. Kind Regards Brooke E Hillary ph.D. Licensed Clinical Psychologist HTTPS://doxyme/drbrookehillary