“How often should I get adjusted by a chiropractor?”
I am a 38 year old female. I want to know how often should I get adjusted by a chiropractor?
17 Answers
Good morning. The best way to answer this question is to go see a Chiropractor for your initial consultation, examination with necessary X-rays. After the Chiropractor has taken the time to piece together your examination and diagnostic/X-ray findings and correlate them to your presenting issues/complaints, they will determine the frequency of treatment to correct the underlying cause(s) of your presenting issues/complaints. I hope this answers your question.
How often you get adjusted depends on a number of factors and starts with a complete health history and assessment. Acute situations are managed differently than chronic so the doctor needs to examine and determine care when you are first scheduled.
Dr. Tracey
How often you get adjusted depends on a number of factors and starts with a complete health history and assessment. Acute situations are managed differently than chronic so the doctor needs to examine and determine care when you are first scheduled.
Dr. Tracey
1-2 times a month is what we call maintenance care. Helps prevent future injuries and your body functioning optimally. Now, if you have something going on such as low back pain or neck pain, you’ll have to be seen more than that until your body starts holding your adjustments well. When your body is so used to being out of whack, it thinks that when you are in place that it isn’t right. After your complaint such as low back is resolved, then you can move to maintenance care.
Everyone is different, and your chiropractor should be able to answer that question by your third visit. This way, the chiropractor can see how you respond to care after 2 visits. You may feel much better after the first 2 visits, you may feel no change, or you might feel worse after 2 adjustments, but that doesn't usually happen, but it's a sign that your muscles and vertebrae may have been misaligned for a long time, which may call for more treatments to correct your problems.
Typically, after an initial course of care 2-4 weeks, you may want to continue care at 4-12 week intervals to maintain improvements. Some patients elect to follow up PRN (as needed).
Hevner Chiropractic Center, LLC
Hevner Chiropractic Center, LLC
That is dependent on whether you are experiencing pain or of you are a wellness patient. If you are experiencing pain, depending on how bad it is, you may need to be seen as often as daily for a week or so, but if you are experiencing no pain and would just like to be under wellness care, you may need a few adjustments a week to get your spine used to being in the proper position, and then be converted to maintenance care at once a month or once every few weeks.
Without knowing your level of activity, your type of work, and your history of injury, I cannot give you a precise answer. If there is an injury or a flare-up of a chronic issue, you may need to be seen 2-3 times per week until it is resolved. If you are in the maintenance phase, it can range from once per week to once per month, but it depends again on the factors first mentioned. It is unique to the individual and the stress load to their body.
There is no one answer to your question since I have no information about your lifestyle, your history, and your overall health. Some individuals, based upon their health and accident history, their lifestyle, etc., may, in the beginning, need care 3-5 times a week for a period of time.
Dr. Jane Bye
The frequency of treatment depends on your health and any history of injury and the amount of degeneration in your spine. Generally, patients complete a series of treatments in the beginning to restore spinal motion and alleviate their pain as well as begin exercises to strengthen their spine. Once they are stable, they are placed on wellness care, which usually can be maintained at once or twice a month.
Dr. Bye
Dr. Bye
Good question, that depends on your particular situation. If someone is in acute pain, it is important to be seen more frequently.
Some doctors like to see their patients 3 times a week. In the corrective phase when you are out of pain but still not quite right, perhaps weekly visits are appropriate. And in the maintenance phase my patients choose to see me every 2 to 4 weeks. Some people like to come in only when there is a problem. It all depends what you and your chiropractor feel is best for your particular circumstances.
Some doctors like to see their patients 3 times a week. In the corrective phase when you are out of pain but still not quite right, perhaps weekly visits are appropriate. And in the maintenance phase my patients choose to see me every 2 to 4 weeks. Some people like to come in only when there is a problem. It all depends what you and your chiropractor feel is best for your particular circumstances.
Everyone is a little different! If you exercise and move often, I recommend getting adjusted once every 6 months just like a teeth cleaning. If you're a desk worker or someone that doesn't move very much, you might need 1-2x/month.
This depends on your presentation of symptoms and dysfunction. I generally recommend going once per week for 10 weeks to solve the problem. Then 2-6 times per year for prevention.
That depends on what your goals are. If you have suffered an injury, you should find a chiropractor that will take a good history, perform a thorough examination, make a good diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment which would include office visits up to 4 days per week (sometimes 5 if the problem is severe). If you have mild pains, you may visit less often. If your goal is maintenance or wellness, I recommend monthly visits. This is based on the research that shows you can have dysfunction in a joint up to one month before the arthritis process begins. It stands to reason, then, if you get checked on a monthly basis (and you don't have any other underlying issues or genetic predispositions), you can decrease your risk for developing arthritis.
It is not a simple answer. On average, chiropractors treat common back and neck pain in a few sessions. It may require more frequent visits or take longer. It is depending on individual condition, underlying factors that are stressing your body and length of symptoms.