OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

I have strange gas?

I am 13 years old. When I tense my 'down there' muscles, air enters, and when I release the muscles it releases the air. I've never been able to do this before and I'm extremely worried. I apologize if this is normal, I've never had proper sex education. I have no symptoms or pain, apart from a bit of nausea, but that was likely caused by the medication I had just started. I am currently taking daily antidepressants, I don't know what type or amount, and daily Melatonin. I am quite underweight. How do I stop myself from being able to do this? Am I going to die? What's happening?

Female | 13 years old
Complaint duration: 3 Days
Medications: Antidepressants, Melatonin
Conditions: None

3 Answers

Hi. This is completely normal and nothing to worry about. This is not related to the antidepressants or melatonin. It could be related to swelling in the vagina. You could try using a small tampon or pad to stop your air problem. Also, why are you taking melatonin (at night?) to sleep. If you are underweight maybe you have some anxiety concerns which should be addressed. It's common for anxious people to have weight loss. Having anxiety so young may hinder psychological growth. Please talk with someone at school and if you don't trust them please call someone at a local women's clinic. If you tell them you are 13 and are having serious anxiety I'm sure they would listen and direct you to someone who could help. There are many people who want to help!
You’re not going to die! But it might be worth seeing a gastroenterology stomach doctor who knows about passing gas and how anal sphincter muscles work correctly. As a gynecologist, I don’t think that I actually understand your question completely in term of what’s normal and what is not normal relating to how you are feeling. I wonder if you can tell that doctor you need to know how the antidepressant is affecting the rest of your body other than your mind.
It sounds like air trapped in the vagina. Should not be serious or the result of any medication you are on. I have seen it at all ages. You can also see a doctor if you are concerned.