“I'm concerned about my emotions?”
Male | 77 years old
Complaint duration: several years
Medications: Allopurinol 300 mg, Solifenacin 10 mg, Omeprazole 40 mg
Conditions: nothing major. ...gout, borderline cholestrol
7 Answers
Sorry to hear that your empathy is at times uncontrollable. I do not know whether the meds you are on have any side effects that lead to being overly and overtly emotional. You will need to check with the prescribing Drs. In the meantime, you may want to get Elaine N. Aron's "The Highly Sensitive person: How to thrive when the World Overwhelms you." You may also want to go to a licensed Psychologist and learn some coping skills.
Take care and remain safe.
Dr. Lata Sonpal
Dr. Irene
Dr. Marlene Kasman
I don’t know if there is any general understanding of this phenomenon, but it is very common. It seems to be a form of ‘disinhibition’ that comes with older age, more common with men than women. Perhaps women were not so inhibited about showing their soft emotions! Of course, in another 20 years when more working feminists reach your age, perhaps they too will have inhibited their tears...
At any rate, remember Rosie Greer - “It’s all right to cry...” and go right ahead.
Dr. Marian Shapiro