OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

I'm having SI pain after hysterectomy?

I had a hysterectomy 2.5 months ago. I was told at pre-op, Sept. 23, that all was good, SI could resume as I feel comfortable, and return to regular activity. The first 2 times my husband and I had sex was fine, 3rd and 4th time, not at all good. Now after SI, I have buckle over, sweating, want to vomit pain in my lower abdomen and rectal area. Looking up online, I guess its called the pelvic floor. Into the next day the pain moves up under my ribs, while keeping pain in pelvic floor. It feels like some of the same pain as after a hysterectomy. Lasts for 2 days, both times. It hurts to cough or yawn, feels like organs are going to come out. I did notice there is a smell, not one I've noticed/had before, like with vaginal infections, hope that makes sense. I also have bleeding right after sex, spotting over night, but then stops by next afternoon. I can say the 1st time it happened, it was the 3rd time we had sex, so the 1st two times went fine, then 3rd and 4th had issues. I guess I am just wondering if I should try to get into Dr before trying again or, as Dr says, try and try again til no pain (I didn't like that answer but that may very well be right) Please help. I am not on any meds, am 44 years old, hysterectomy 2 months ago, brain surgery last year. I had 3 pregnancy/3 births. No STI known.

Female | 44 years old
Complaint duration: 7days
Medications: None
Conditions: Hysterectomy, brain surgery last yr

3 Answers

I think it would be a good idea to be checked again by your Doctor. I assume the surgery went well. Sometimes there is some granulation (healing tissue) at the Vaginal cuff that can cause bleeding. I am not sure what is causing your pain. I would suggest having your Doctor check you again
Dear Mrs.,

Let us start like when I teach my residents, we need few more info: why did you have a hysterectomy (fibroid or bleeding or cancer...)? Abdominal surgery or vaginal surgery? Partial or total hysterectomy? Any blood transfusion? Any family history of cancer or bleeding? Your current medications? And are you allergic to anything? Post-surgery, any lab work: CBC, BUN, Creatinine, SGOT, SGPT, any scan: pelvic ultrasound, CT? After reporting your problem, did you have a gentle, thorough pelvic exam, vaginal cuff culture? Once it is confirmed SSI, have you had any antibiotics? I would tell my residents to start on ciprofloxacin and cefazolin while waiting for the culture result. Lastly, I would obtain a second opinion from my local colleague.
In Conclusion, I wish you Happy Holidays.
Your cuff may not be totally healed. You should not have sex until after cleared by a doctor. That requires an exam. You may also have an infection or cellulitis of the cuff. The cuff is the end of the vagina after the uterus is removed. Please see someone as soon as possible.