Doctor Questions Doctor

Indoor graduation party?

Is it safe to go to a graduation party indoors at elks club where there are 40-50 people less than half vaccinated? I am 70 years old have a cold. Also, have asthma. I have also been vaccinated with Moderna vaccine.

Male | 70 years old
Complaint duration: 1
Medications: Inhaler
Conditions: Asthma

1 Answer

Oh, you have a challenging choice to make. I am so glad you are immunized, and that is your most important factor! It depends a bit on the incidence of Covid in your community. I currently have several people very sick with Covid. They were unvaccinated, of course. The moderna vaccine is about 94% effective, and that is excellent. It is not 100%, yet it is very, very good. Your age and your asthma matter. Wearing a mask would still be a good idea at this party.