Podiatrist Questions Podiatrist

Is a walking boot better than a cast?

I fractured my ankle. I do not want to wear cast. Is a walking boot better than a cast?

18 Answers

Hi, the boot and cast have two different purposes:

1. cast is to ensure that the patient has complete nonweight bearing on the broken ankle. usually comes with crutches. and the cast does not touch the ground at all.

2. boot is for partial weight-bearing, usually to allow some type of walking but also protect the ankle.

The usage of this is determined by diagnosis, type of fracture, and prognosis of recovery healing treatment plan.

I recommend you to have a conversation with the doctor that is treating you regarding this issue.
The benefit of a walking boot over a cast is that it can be taken off to bathe. The problem comes in that sometimes it doesn't get put back on after the bathing. Consequently, the surgery can be compromised.
Walking boot can be much more comfortable than a cast. Most of the time they work the same.
The boot is usually okay if you wear it. (Unfortunately, it is easily removed, which leads to patient non-compliance at times.)
A cast is most times the better treatment option as it allows for more stability and protection of the fracture site. However depending on the nature and location of your fracture, a walking boot maybe be adequate. I recommend taking the advise of your medical professional as they are trained in the management of medical conditions such as yours.
It depends on the reason. There are situations where the walking boot is beneficial and sometimes it's not enough. It's up to your podiatrist to make the call.
For true immobilization, a cast is preferred. A boot has been used in lieu of a cast for protection mostly. A cast keeps the injury more still and protected. Your doctors decision concerning weight bearing status is just as important as the boot or cast, if not more.
For most of my COMPLIANT patients, a walking boot is a lot more convenient than a cast. However, the most important aspect in treating any fracture is immobilization & support. Some people find a boot too convenient and remove it during day time resting, showering, and at night. Even with you off your foot or taking a “quick” shower, accidents can happen. If you choose to wear a boot, then you HAVE to wear it until you are healed. It’s important not to sabotage your own healing!
Good luck!!!
No it is not better. Often after ankle surgery, one starts with a non-weightbearing cast for optimal immobilization and after a few weeks, when healing is going normally, switch to a cam walker (boot) with progressive weight bearing.
A walking boot and cast are very similar, it depends on the fracture and the physician. If it is a stable fracture (you can walk on it), then yes, a boot is better. If it is a bad fracture (multiple breaks, cannot walk), then a cast may be the way to go or surgery. If you had surgery on it, then a boot is good. The walking boot was meant to replace casts for most injuries.
Hello. A cast is better than a walking boot. It is more immobilizing.
A walking boot is never as stable or immobilizing as a cast.
Not necessarily. It depends on the severity of the fracture and the physician's confidence in the best mode of treatment for you.
Walking boot is not better, but there are certain fractures that you are safely able to bear weight using a Cam walker.
A walking boot can replace the necessity of a cast in some instances, but when talking about a fracture using a CAM boot vs. a cast would depend on a lot of factors.
Any device that will immobilize the ankle to allow for healing should be acceptable. I recommend you discuss the pros and cons with your foot and ankle surgeon (podiatrist) to determine what is the best option for you
A walking boot will immobilize the foot and ankle to allow healing of the fracture. A cast will immobilize the foot and ankle as well, but the cast cannot be removed. People tend to heal faster in a cast with crutches versus a boot. This is due to compliance. People tend to remove the boot and end up putting more pressure on the fractured bone, slowing the healing process, even when using crutches. A cast is better.
In most cases, a cast is better to allow the fracture to heal better and faster.