Neurologist Questions Neurologist

Is nerve surgery risky?

I will have nerve damage surgery. Is nerve surgery risky?

4 Answers

There are always risks in any surgery.  Talk to your surgeon so you can understand all the risks, the benefits, and any available alternatives to having surgery.
All surgeries have risks, some more than others depending on many variables and circumstances. Talk to your surgeon about the risks involved and if not completely sure get a second opinion.  Good  luck.  Dr. F. Sent from AOL on Android
Neurosurgery in an trust worthy institution is in general as safe as other surgeries that require general anesthesia. However, each location of surgery, and type of procedure carries risks specific to the that specific situation. Nerve surgery , unless defined, cannot have a more specific answer.
without knowing more information it is difficult to answer. However, the surgeon for your case will be able to discuss all possible risks of the procedure/surgery