Family Practitioner | Obesity Medicine Questions Family Practitioner

Is obesity a disease?

I am obese. Is obesity a disease?

2 Answers

It is most definitely a disease. Although it took until 2013 until it was universally classified as a disease, those of us who treat obesity have known such 50 years prior to its official classification. Those of us who battle with obesity know our bodies do not burn calories as efficient as those who do not battle it, much like some engines can go 50 miles and only burn a gallon and others go through a gallon in just 13 miles. Those of us who battle obesity would be the ones alive 10,000 years ago and our thin friends wouldn't have survived. Since food is so easily obtained, in our carb driven society, many of us battle with the predisposed disease. I recommend that you find a doctor who specializes in treating obesity as many doctors still feel it is a choice and that is very unfortunate. Go to: and you can find someone in your area. I treat patients from all over the United States. I wish you much success in your quest. I battle obesity and I am going on 6 years of keeping my weight off. Even as one who knows this disease inside and out, I am still human. I am sure that is part of what makes me very good at being a physician in this field.
It is a metabolic disorder due to htlyperinsulinemia