Chiropractor Questions Chiropractic care

Lower Back Pain urgent or not?

Lower back pain after deadlifting (20 years old male, physically fit). Pain is constant and hurts more when bending over. It is isolated to my lumbar region and does not spread down my legs. I had a lower back injury 2 years ago and ended up going to the ER, which was determined to be a back strain. The pain is not as intense as that, but it is still hard to walk due to the pain. I am wondering if I should continue to take advil and ice the injury for a day to see if the pain goes away, or if I need to go to urgent care right now?

Male | 20 years old
Complaint duration: 2 hours
Medications: sertraline

12 Answers

If the pain has gotten worse, you will want to see your physician. If the pain is localized and remaining the same in intensity, I would recommend sitting in an Epsom salt bath for 20 minutes icing the back for 20 minutes or applying red light therapy to the back for 20-40 minutes or try gentle mobility movements such as:

LOWER TRUNK ROTATIONS - LTR - WIG WAGS - Repeat 15 Repetitions, Hold 1 Second(s), Complete 1 Set, Perform 2 Times a Day

CAT AND CAMEL - Repeat 10 Repetitions, Hold 5 Seconds, Complete 2 Sets, Perform 1 Times a Day

SIDELYING TRUNK ROTATION - Repeat 10 Repetitions, Hold 1 Second(s), Complete 2 Sets, Perform 1 Times a Day

PRESS UPS - Repeat 10 Repetitions, Hold 5 Seconds, Complete 1 Set, Perform 2 Times a Day

Supin e figure four - Repeat 3 Repetitions, Hold 15 Seconds, Complete 2 Sets, Perform 2 Times a Day

beginner supine figure four - Repeat 3 Repetitions, Hold 15 Seconds, Complete 2 Sets, Perform 2 Times a Day

large figure four - Repeat 5 Repetitions, Hold 10 Seconds, Complete 2 Sets, Perform 2 Times a Day
With your history of previous injury it would be a good idea to get it evaluated to make sure continued lifting isn't going to make it worse. Let me know if I can help. Call 7015325320
Obviously this answer is going to be a bit late and not very helpful but it's a great question you have regarding acute back injuries.

Let's not forget that in situations like this there is a injury. You've done something physical and pain is the result. That means injury. But what has been Injured and to what extent is the question.

This often depends on the nature of the injury. I bent over to pick up ky shoes and Yada Yada Yada. Or I was lifting a heavy object in an awkward position and Yada Yada Yada I have back pain.

So the mechanism of injury is important and will often determine the potential for serious Injury but not always with disc's. I've had patients sneeze and blow out a disc. But you get the principle here.

Mild pain without radiation from a no traumatic incident rest ice topical agents and OTC NASIDS may do the trick.

However, when we have radiating pain , numbness in the extremities or muscle weakness these are signs of a potentially more significant problems. Medical evaluation is a good idea. If loss of bladder or bowel control that's an ER trip right away.
That's a disc u injured
It would be better because your so young to get it fixed now.
It will only get worse as you age.
Everytime you do something to over exhurt your lowback you will have pain and may not be able to move for a while...
Call my office 212 243 5515
You can ice for 20 mins every 2-3 hours until you can see a chiropractor. A chiropractor should be able to do an exam on you to determine to cause of the pain. If there are any red flags in exam then the chiropractor will have you go to the urgent care or ER.
Ice and stretch. Advil slows the healing process. Find a good chiropractor and have an examination. Also check you feet. If you have pronation then this will increase the rate of low back injury.
It sound like you injured your back from deadlifting. Go see a chiropractor to be evaluated and shown how to heal and correct it.
Hello, you should get to urgent care and have films of your lumbar and
continue with ice therapy.
Thank you for your question. I would encourage going to a corrective care chiropractor to determine what is causing the problem. You will want to determine if it is a simple muscle strain or spinal damage. I would encourage getting xrays and not waiting it out because it can get worse fast. If you would like to schedule an appointment, please go to our website. Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you.
In my opinion, I would consider getting an MRI. It could be a disc especially since you had a previous injury to the area and you were deadlifting. You are 20, and in your 30s this could lead to arthritis. Make sure you are incorporating stretches and lumbar strengthening exercises.
No you need x-rays and to be evaluated by a spine specialist like myself and then we can fix the underlying problems so it doesn’t keep happening

Dr Adam Hutton, DC, DAAMLP
Biomechanical Spine Specialist