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My body feels like a complete wreck, what could it be?

I'm a 24 years old female. 1.5-2 months ago I started having vertical and horizontal lines on all my fingers. Then I noticed that neither of my fingers prunes in water, but it kind of "cures" the lines I have constantly for a few hours. Then I got sleep apnea, more likely when I lay on my back. My more serious conditions are/were tachycardia several, and I had HSP/Glomerulonephritis(they never told me the actual diagnosis) when I was 18. I'm really tired, my body is achy, warm, or cold, painful goosebumps feeling without actual goosebumps, I feel like I'm ill, and my body doesn't function as it should, and I just don't have that much energy. (these symptoms have been with me for ages). I'm afraid I have an autoimmune disease that destroys my body slowly. I feel like my body is a wreck. I don't take any meds, but I'm taking a lot of herbs mostly in tea forms like hops, fennel, motherwort, lemon balm, raspberry leaves, dandelion leaves, goats rue, spearmint, and peppermint. I just recently started eating more, because my appetite has been really bad for more than a year, and I used to be a vegetarian for years, and I felt like my body is extremely malnourished, so now I force myself to eat chicken and food in general. My weight is fluctuating between 46-54 kg. I started taking 1000mg tyrosine, and 500 mg tryptophan daily to help my extreme anxiety and mood and sleep. I'm really sorry for being so chaotic, but my memory's been really bad for the past few months, and I have to really think about everything I experience.

Female | 24 years old
Complaint duration: Recent symptoms 1 month to 2-3 years(older symptoms)

1 Answer

You need to see your primary care physician immediately so they can do a full physical as well as blood work to check your red and white blood cells, your liver and kidney function, and your thyroid and vitamin levels. Then the dr can start trying to find out what your condition is. I would stop taking all the "natural supplements" so you can see if they are causing problems. It sounds like you have some kind of vitamin deficiency or some metal toxicity but you need to be examined as soon as possible.