Neurologist Questions Neurologist

Not really sure? Kind of a mess of symptoms?

Dizziness, confusion, head rush, lips tingling, sort of a deja vu feeling? Muscle weakness, fatigue.
Occasionally smelling blood when there is none??

I'm wondering if it’s possible that I could be having non-motor focal seizures? (my aunt had epilepsy as a kid, but she mostly had generalized non-motor/absence seizures)

I’ve been considering whether I might have CFS for a long time ( I experience fatigue, post exertional malaise, non-restorative sleep, joint pain with no swelling, night sweats, and the list goes on and on) and recently found out that seizures can be one of the symptoms

This has been happening for years now.

I definitely take some antidepressants where dizziness is a common side effect but I think it’s more than that
I’ve switched meds multiple times and haven’t noticed any changes

I’ve been checked for hyperthyroidism, low iron, low blood glucose, etc. and so far, they can’t find anything wrong

Anyway, I’ll end up talking to my primary care physician about this again, but I thought I’d try here since the drs office is closed on weekends at the moment. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Female | 18 years old
Complaint duration: Years
Medications: Fluvoxamine, NAC, Trazodone, allergy meds
Conditions: No known

2 Answers

You may well have temporal lobe epilepsy. An abnormal unpleasant odor can occur with this type of seizure. Your myriad of other symptoms are not suggestive of a neurological disorder, and pursuing them with your family doctor or with a psychiatrist to assist with medication management may be helpful.
Well, it looks like you have a lot going on. As you mentioned also taking several medications and probably have taken a few more, I am not sure if this is all being managed by your primary. If it is, it's time to see a specialist. You should see a psychiatric or a Neurologist who specializes in Neurobehavioral disorders. Getting a thorough detailed history of symptomatology along with tests done and medication treatments will help determine if further testing (like an EEG to evaluate for seizures or other abnormalities) and medication adjustments are indicated. While CF/FM can certainly be one of the considerations, there are other things that need to be ruled out or ruled in. Without the above, it's hard to make very specific recommendations (it would be a shot in the dark, and it seems you've experienced a few of those already). One alternative option you may consider which doesn't have to wait for your doctor or specialist and has alleviated a great majority of your symptoms would be CBD oil (non THC). While you should still pursue a thorough work-up, the CBD at a dose range of 5 mg to 20 mg/kg of body weight can treat seizures, pain, anxiety, inflammation, CF/FM. 
I hope this offers some help. Call your pcp office once it's open and go in to discuss this and get a referral to above discussed specialists to further evaluate and manage. At 18, you should not be going through all of this.

Dr. F.