Adolescent Psychiatrist Questions Adolescent Psychiatry

Physical symptoms maybe stress?

Recently it’s been hard and i’m not comfortable explaining what happened, but i’m here to have answers and possibly advice.

Name: Akio
Gender: Male
Height: 4’10
Weight: 76-80 pounds
Medications: ADHD medicine (will specify what specific medicine when asked)
Medicine was never a cause to any problem other than a fast heart rate and more hyper.

Physical symptoms possibly related to stress or trauma.

Symptoms include:
heart palpitations- maybe also caused by recently started medicine

Anger- sometimes physical anger

Swollen/wide tongue- tends to happen when i am traumatized or stressed (i have no idea why though)

Trouble breathing/unable to breathe enough- I've heard from my dad (an unreliable source) that i have a diaphragm (the word for lung capacity right?) bigger than my ribs possibly meaning i can’t get enough air that i require? (i have scoliosis which is a main thing)

Tics- had all my life but recently getting severe

Complaint duration: mostly today but a month or less ago i was traumatized and tongue grew
Medications: ADHD meds
Conditions: Major depressive disorder, spectrum of anxiety, Aspergers, PTSD, and autism

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