Podiatrist (Foot and Ankle Specialist) Questions Podiatrist

Should I massage a bruised ankle?

I bruised my ankle yesterday. Should I massage a bruised ankle?

4 Answers

Yes you can but gently. Massage from the toes upward toward your knee.
Hi! In general, you can massage an area but if it is painful to touch or walk, I would seek further evaluation by a podiatrist.
I recommend you make an appointment with a foot and ankle surgeon (podiatrist) for evaluation, diagnosis and treatment options
That depends on how much pain it elicits. If you can bear weight and ambulate without too much pain or trouble, it is likely not fractured. BUT, if it is fractured and you massage it too much, you could actually displace the fracture fragments, and cause yourself the need for surgery when there may not have been. Alternatively, if you do not get it checked soon enough, and it IS broken, you may end up with bones that do not heal in the proper alignment. You should probably see a physician and have x-rays to insure there is no fracture.