Orthopedist Questions Orthopedist

Should you wear a walking boot for a sprained ankle?

I am a 40 year old male. I want to know if you should wear a walking boot for a sprained ankle?

12 Answers

Depends on the extend of injury and what was the mechanism of injury. usually, walking boot is use for 4-6 wks to realign the foot on leg and ankle. and also to prevent further reinjury.
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A walking boot is recommend to decrease time to recovery.
Yes, a walking boot is recommended for 2-3 weeks after an ankle sprain, the reason is to let the ligaments of the ankle heal in the proper alignment and not stretched out. Can do some motion of the ankle but want to do this only when seated and only 3 times a day.
Depends how long ago the ankle sprain happened and what your initial treatment was. This will progress if left untreated.
There are multiple conservative options that work very well. Please, make an appointment with me in my Chandler office (480) 269-7130 and I will go over all of your options. Depending on Xrays (if needed) that I can take at my office and the clinical exam, I am able to diagnose and recommend different treatment options. I recommend you have this checked as soon as you can, especially since I can usually treat this without surgery very well in just one visit with me. My office is located on Dobson road, just north of Chandler Regional Hospital. Advanced Foot & Ankle Specialists of Arizona. Feel free to ask to be seen by me specifically and I will get you in the same day or latest the next day. I take all insurances, please do not go off of the insurance list on this website as it is not updated yet. Mention that I have talked to you on the internet. I can also do the entire visit with you over the phone or video call as well, which most insurances cover, even if you are out of state and my staff can verify this for you when you schedule. Thank you and have a good evening.
Great question!

About 10,000 ankle sprains happen in the US every day and are often under treated by other health care providers.
Simple treatments such as rest, elevation, ice and compression are good in the first 12-24 hours, but a few more modalities are needed after this.

Keep in mind a sprain of any joint in the human body by definition is an injury to the stabilizing ligaments of that joint. They are either stretched (Grade 1), partial torn (Grade 2) or completely torn or ruptured (Grade 3). Thus, depending on the severity an ankle sprain can sometimes indeed be as bad as a bone fracture.

With bad sprains (severe swelling, bruising, pain, limp while walking or inability to walk) an orthopedic walking boot (easily purchased online) is recommended for the first 10-14 days. This provides rigid immobilization and support to the ankle, facilitating decreased swelling and pain, and allowing you to walk. If the sprain is not as bad, or after the boot, a medical grade brace that can be worn with a shoe is recommended, such as an ASO brace (again available online). This provides support and compression but is less cumbersome than the boot. This is typically worn for about 6-8 weeks.

In addition, during the first 2-3 weeks of a sprain the body is generating an inflammatory reaction around the ankle joint in response to the injury. To address this one should consider the use of an over the counter anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen, motrin or aleve. Take an appropriate dose 2-3 times per day. Obviously consult with your primary care doc if there are any concerns about taking this if you have other medical conditions.

Lastly, the #1 reason to have long lasting issues after an ankle sprain is the lack of appropriate rehabilitation. Meaning, physical therapy is important. So, at a minimum one should work with a physical therapist for at least 2-3 visits to be taught an extensive home exercise program and be educated on the equipment needed to do this (theraband & BAPS board, both available online).

If after 10-12 weeks significant pain or instability (ankle rolling frequently even with brace) persist then seek evaluation with a foot and ankle trained orthopedic surgeon.
Yes, a walking Cast boot can stabilize a sprained ankle and strengthen it to allow for a transition to an ankle brace.
It really depends on how severe the sprain is and what your symptoms are like after the sprain. But you should at least have it evaluated as at least 30% of ankle sprains are associated with ankle fracture
Depending on when injury was and severity, I usually recommend complete non-weight bearing to weight bearing in walking boot.
Yes, for about 2-3 weeks if its a grade 1-2 sprain, after which physical therapy should be incorporated. Grade III sprains will take at least 4-6 weeks and may require longer physical therapy or surgery if there is no improvement.
A grade 1 sprain can certainly be placed into a walking boot however a grade 2 which is a partial tear is best treated if immobilized initially for 3-5 weeks
Grade 3 should be immobilized forn8-12 weeks
Walking boot can be effective for a sprained ankle. I recommend you be evaluated by a foot and ankle surgeon (podiatrist) to ensure that it is only a sprain and the boot is the appropriate treatment