Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Should I see a doctor for shoulder joint pain?

I have shoulder joint pain. Should I see a doctor for shoulder joint pain?

5 Answers

To address shoulder joint pain there needs to be a better understanding of your specific case. A new patient chiropractic process includes a patient intake, consultation, and physical examination to further understand the potential root cause of this type of condition or pain. With pain, x-rays and MRIs may be warranted to assess the extent of the condition or potential injury. There are certain exams during the new patient process that are performed to understand the severity. Some positive exams may warrant you to be referred to the emergency room, urgent care, neurologist, MD, DO, orthopedist, or physical therapist. If no referral is needed, diagnostic imaging may be warranted as further examination (as stated above). If those above paths are not needed then addressing the condition with chiropractic care may be palliative in the alleviation of these imbalances creating dysfunction in the body. There are various techniques in chiropractic. Throughout an active phase of care, it will be determined if the patient is responding favorably to certain techniques.
The best thing to do is make any appointment and we can evaluate your discomfort.
Sure, depends on how the shoulder pain started. if it was due to trauma definitely get it check and make sure no fractures or tears are present. if it was/is slow onset of pain, check how often you sleep on your sides (biggest indicator for no trauma shoulder pain) or if you do repetitive activity such as work or gym that is contributing
Yes, if its not improving in its own. Sent from Gmail Mobile
Yes. You should be evaluated as there are many causes and best treatment is dependent on the cause of shoulder pain