Doctor Questions Doctor

Stomach tenderness?

I was hit in the abdomen yesterday under my sternum and today I have a lot of tenderness in that area. It feels like a bruise but no bruise is present. Should I be concerned?

Female | 35 years old
Complaint duration: 2 days
Medications: Ibuprofen
Conditions: None

4 Answers

If you get hit in an area of your body, it makes sense to hurt. Underlying tissue and cartilage in that area are likely bruised, one that is not visible. But you have organs in that area also. Call your PCP or your doctor on call and report this. Any nausea, vomiting, worsening pain, feeling faint, fever, or any other abnormal symptoms have someone take you to the ER.
Few possibilities: sterna fracture, abdominal injury, e.g., gall bladder, stomach.
It is perfectly normal to be tender in a spot that has been hit, and it is far from always there is a visible sign. It will pass.
Hi , It would have been good to mention what hit you and the severity. In any case it would not be out of norm if you had the problem looked at by your physician.. ... even more so if there is increasing pain or persistent discomfort.