Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

What helps back pain at night?

I am a 34 year old male. I want to know what helps back pain at night?

15 Answers

If you have already consulted with a medical professions to ensure that your condition is not caused from a more serious underlying issue, I would suggest trying some of the following: Physical Therapy, Chiropractic, Yoga, Back Stretches (found on Amazon). It is likely that your condition is the result of instability or muscle imbalance. Some of the above mentioned providers and technique will likely help you find a solution to your issue.
Well that depends entirely on the cause of the pain in the first place. You need an assessment to see why it's hurting in the first place that way the correct course of action can be decided.
I recommend a Chinese herbal remedy called valerian root and a homeopathic remedy called arnica gel. These are natural remedies that help support your chiropractic care. Keep in mind, musculoskeletal pain have many differing signals and cause. These are warning signals from your body and shouldn’t be neglected. These signals should be checked by a chiropractor first, and if a referral is needed, we certainly will recommend.
It depends on your diagnosis. If it is due to some type of mechanical issue, then try stretching before bed. Look into considering a new bed. Avoid sleeping on your belly with one knee flexed up.
Sleep in fetal position.
No matter when you get back pain, you have to determine the cause and correct it. The one thing I will say and not to scare you since the chances are slim, there is something called osteiod osteoma which causes night pain only. You need to have a comprehensive examination and imaging if necessary.
Hi and thanks for the question! This can be a simple answer, however I'd like to know more about the condition/pain before advising further. The reason being, there are many things that can cause back pain. I'd advise you to make an appointment with your local chiropractor to discuss this further.

Dr. Morales, D.C.
Get evaluated as soon as possible by a reputable Chiropractor
Back pain can be caused by many different underlying conditions. It is best to receive a comprehensive evaluation for your specific condition so proper treatment can be implemented.
Back pain can have many different origins ranging from a simple misalignment of the spine to more complex or pathological disorders. It is important to check with a health care provider to determine the cause of your back pain.
Sleeping on your side with pillow between knees. On your back with pillow under your knees. Sleeping on the floor for more support. Get adjusted:)
Stretching and strengthening exercises
Pain at night can be an indicator of a serious pathology. I recommend speaking with your MD about this to make sure it is not serious.
For some people, sleeping on their back may be the best position to relieve back pain:
Lay flat on your back.
Place a pillow underneath your knees and keep your spine neutral. ...
You may also place a small, rolled-up towel under the small of your back for added support.
So many possibilities can be contributing to the cause of back pain at night. Dehydration, poor support from the mattress, mineral deficiency or even lumbar or pelvis misalignment. If pain continues, it is a good idea to be evaluated by a chiropractor.

Dr. Greenawalt