Augustus Reynolds
Molecular Medicine
Clinical Nutrition
Homeopathic Medicine
Naturopathic Remedies
Botanical Medicine
Disease Prevention
Health Restoration
Life Extension
Pain Management
Chiropractic Care
- Edgemont, AR
- Little Rock Junior College
- Accepting new patients
Heart Disease is the #1 Killer
Dr. Augustus M. Reynolds 11, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN There is a heart attack every 20 seconds, it causes 50% of all deaths in the US. There is one death every 60 seconds and a million...
HEART DISEASE Dr. Augustus “Gus” M. Reynolds 11, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN, Emeritus
Your heart is your strongest muscle. It beats 86,400 times a day, 32 million times/year and 3 billion times in a lifetime. It pumps 2,500 gallons of blood a day, which weighs...
What to do after adjusting back?
Why do chiropractors use activators?
Why do I feel nauseous after the chiropractor?
Why do chiropractors recommend ice?
How do you unlock your hip flexors?
How do your hips get out of alignment?
Is it safe to go to a chiropractor if you have arthritis?
What causes tight hips and lower back?
How long should you rest after chiropractor?
How do you realign your pelvis at home?
1. Reverse leg raises
Lie on your stomach with your legs resting on the ground and your forehead resting on your hands.
Lift one leg while keeping your knees straight and gluteus muscles tightened.
Hold for 2 to 5 seconds, and then lower your leg.
Do 12 repetitions.
Switch legs.
How do you get rid of leg pain fast?
Rest as much as possible.
Elevate your leg.
Apply ice for up to 15 minutes. Do this 4 times per day, more often for the first few days.
Gently stretch and massage cramping muscles.
Take over-the-counter pain medicines like acetaminophen or ibuprofen.
What helps back pain at night?
Lay flat on your back.
Place a pillow underneath your knees and keep your spine neutral. ...
You may also place a small, rolled-up towel under the small of your back for added support.
How do you self align your hips?
Lie down on your back with straight legs and feet flexed.
Spread your arms 90 degrees away from your body with palms down.
Place the right heel on top of the left foot and keep both feet flexed at all times.
Contract the quadriceps of both legs and start lifting the right hip off the floor.
Continue to twist until the right hip points toward the sky.
Keep your upper body relaxed and turn your head the opposite direction.
If you cannot twist your hips completely at this time, that's okay--one day you will be able to.
Keep your quadriceps and glutes contracted and hold the stretch for 30--60 seconds while breathing deeply. Reverse the feet and stretch the other side.
You may feel tightness in different locations, such as your hamstrings, adductors, knees, or lower back. Continue doing this stretch after your training, running or tennis practice until it feels quite comfortable. Align hips on a regular basis and feel and perform better.
What are the symptoms of tight hip flexors?
Tightness or an ache in your lower back, especially when standing.
Poor posture and difficulty standing up straight.
Neck tightness and pain.
Pain in the glutes.
When should you get shoulder pain checked?
Featured snippet from the web
Make an appointment with your doctor if your shoulder pain is accompanied by: Swelling. Redness. Tenderness and warmth around the joint.