“What is the best toothpaste for gum disease?”
I was diagnosed with gum disease. I want to treat it. What is the best toothpaste for gum disease?
4 Answers
Hello. Treating gum disease requires procedures from your dentist/periodontist and hygienist. They will recommend a proper toothpaste and oral home care regimen based on your individual condition. The severity varies greatly as does the treatment recommendations and products to use at home.
Dr. J
Dr. J
In truth the best toothpaste for gum disease (periodontitis) is the one you use 2x a day!! I like fluoride (sodium fluoride rather than stannous fluoride - less staining) soft bristle brushes (electric brushes better), floss and even a Water Pik. - AND 3-4 month periodontal. Check-ups and cleaning.
Any non abrasive toothpaste is a good choice. (Often whitening toothpastes contain abrasives like silica to get out stain and end up causing sensitivity.) Depending on the severity of the gum disease, home care (toothpaste/floss) isn’t enough to treat it. Many patients will need a deep cleaning, that their hygienist can do, with some local anesthesia (novacaine). If the gum disease/inflammation is purely due to plaque and tartar build up, a good cleaning and follow up care should get you back in shape.