Anesthesiologist Questions Anesthesiologist

What is the fastest way to recover from anesthesia?

I am a 25 year old female. I want to know what is the fastest way to recover from anesthesia?

4 Answers

I'm sorry, I failed to complete my thought. I prepared for my procedure and really my approach to health and fitness. That enabled me to 'beat' advanced prostate cancer diagnosed at age 46.

Best regards,

Jeffrey C. Astbury, MD, FASA, FACC, FASE, MSBE, MSEE
Drink water or drink with electrolytes. Deep breathing. Rest and time.
I don’t think a patient can control it. Since we do not do straight forward anesthesia with ether like newer inhaled anesthetics, and surgeries are more complex many a times which require more adjuvants i.e. pain meds, sedatives etc for post surgical management, there is no one answer.
Sorry for that long answer.
There is nothing you can do to accelerate the process.