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What is the treatment for childhood myopia?

My daughter has myopia. What is the treatment for childhood myopia?

6 Answers

Myopia can be corrected with glasses and contact lens. However, it is more important to control myopia and slow its progression. Myopia is a disease that causes an eye to become too long and too fast, especially in children. This lengthening causes break down of the structures in the eye, leading to increased and earlier risk of cataracts, glaucoma, retinal detachment and myopic macular degeneration. The latter three of those conditions can cause irreversible blindness. Methods for myopia control eye drops called atropine, ortho-keratology, soft contact lens specifically designed for myopia control, multifocal soft contact lenses. Although not available in the US, there are some options for myopia control via glasses as well.
Atropine drops can decrease progression of myopia . Then there is ortho k and my sight contact lenses . Simplest thing to ti get glasses or contacts
In past years, the options were glasses and/or contact lense. Recently, research is concentrating on prevention, including special glasses, bifocals, certain contact lenses or eye drops.
This is a complex answer. For the most complete answer I have put together a YouTube video that you can watch here:

What every parent should know about myopia:
Currently there is a significant increase in childhood myopia especially after the COVID pandemic. Studies indicated that myopia is caused by an elongation of the eyeballs. Besides a lifestyle adjustment such as less usage of electronic devices, there is two FDA approved methods to control the progression of myopia. First is a day time soft contact lenses called MiSight and the second approach is orthok lenses to wear at night to control the progression. Unfortunately, once your children had myopia, there is no way to revert it back to normal.
Depending upon the age of your daughter, glasses or contact lenses can correct myopia. After age 18, and in some cases age 21, there are refractive surgery options depending upon the amount of myopia present. If there is myopia present, is there also some astigmatism present which still can be corrected with glasses or contact lenses? Since you do know that your daughter has been diagnosed with myopia by an eye doctor, please have a list of all questions that you should ask so you have a full understanding of current options. Good luck and best wishes.