“What is the treatment option for a child's anger?”
My daughter has anxiety. What is the treatment option for a child's anger?
8 Answers
Thank you for your patience. Much of the research suggest some possible scenario's for child anxiety an/or anger. It may be a repressed feeling that the child has not been able to identify or accept. This may be caused by environmental issues, familial issues, parenting styles or a fluctuation or inconsistency in interpreting what is happening with these factors. Or, maybe it is a medication or food in combination with these factors as well depending on the child's current health conditions being treated. Many times children are 'seeking' safety, attention or fleeing from danger in their eyes, possibly school friends or a parent that she may 'interpret' these situations from negatively could impact her anxiety or elevate feelings of uncomfortableness. Also, having conversation with your daughter can help with you identifying any areas of concern. CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) is the evidenced based therapeutic treatment option for child anxiety and anger which can assist with cognitive restructuring, skills training to help her manage emotions correctly, help with avoidant behaviors which can all be explained further by a licensed therapist, or counselor which can help make all the difference in her days ahead. Wishing you well.
Dr. Ryan Koryciak
Dr. Ryan Koryciak
Even though I do not see younger children any more, my answer would be that the diagnosis for this acting out behavior is extremely important. This can be done by any Licensed psychologist, who specializes in children. Dr. Numan
Namaste, Sorry to hear that your child has anxiety. What is she anxious about? Is she also the one that you are asking for treatment options for anger? Or is that for another child? It is not clear. What is she anxious about? Is she expressing her anxieties through angry outbursts? I would suggest exploring those with a licensed therapist and upon evaluation, they can suggest what would be the treatment option for her. In the meantime, you can start reading books on Anxiety and Anger Management and whatever applies to your child's age group use that. Engaging in guided meditation with her will also help reduce her anxiety and angry outbursts. In case you are in Florida give me a call. Take care and stay safe.
A good place to start is psychoeducation about the child's own warning signs (i.e., sweating, raising voice, feeling sick in the stomach) and anger triggers and/or teaching appropriate coping skills like deep breathing, calling "time out," or going for a walk. A professional can help with implementing intervention programs incorporating many of these elements and illuminating why anger in certain contexts can be self-sabotaging and calamitous.
There are reasons why a child has anxiety and anger. I'd recommend to seek therapist who is trained in children to help your child explore where these emotions come from first so tx plan can be developed accordingly. *Dr. Whillma Quenicka, PhD, M-RAS, M.S., M.A.* *Licensed Clinical Psychologist PSY 30598* *Masters Level Registered Addiction Specialist **Q0912032016* *"Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength" Sigmund Freud* * " If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude about it" Maya Angelou* *CONFIDENTIALIT**Y NOTICE:* This message, together with any attachments, is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it *is directly addressed*. It may contain information that is confidential and prohibited from disclosure. Any re-transmission, dissemination or other use of the information by persons other than the intended recipient or entity is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify the original sender immediately by telephone or return e-mail and delete this message, along with any attachments, from your computer.
Hello childs anger can be many things not just one. However, sometimes the child and the parent are in a power struggle Many times the parent or parents are too forceful
Call me to discuss further if possible
Thank you. For your inquiry
Call me to discuss further if possible
Thank you. For your inquiry
The treatment will vary by age. A differential diagnosis would be made if the child has an Oppositional Disorder. Cognitive - behavior therapy has the best outcome data. The child needs to learn self-control skills and how to verbalize feelings earlier in their reaction cycle.