Dental Hygienist Questions Dentist

When can I exercise after dental implant surgery?

I will have dental implant surgery. When can I exercise after dental implant surgery?

3 Answers

Avoid resistance training for up to a week. Upper body exertion especially in horizontal posture creates pressure in the blood vessels of the head and neck that can increase swelling and cause you to clench your teeth. With commonly employed grafting techniques associated with implant surgery, you want everything skewed toward facilitating healing quickly. Light aerobic activity like walking for exercise, can resume the next day but best allows your body to rest for a few days and focus on nutrition to boost your healing capacity. Of course, you should follow all your doctor's advice first and foremost. Good luck!
That is a question for your surgeon.
The next day is fine to exercise. Its good to rest on the day you have the
procedure done.

Dr. Totonchi