“When can I sleep on my side after a facelift?”
I am a 33 year old female. I want to know when can I sleep on my side after a facelift?
5 Answers
If you are 33, it is surprising that you're having facelift. This specific question should be directed to your surgeon. Sorry I cannot be more helpful, but the answer depends on your surgeon's technique, and it would be unprofessional for a surgeon to offer advice online that may contradict your own surgeon's preference.
At 33 years old, are you sure you need a facelift? We now have a number of less invasive techniques available to treat some of the earlier aging changes in the face. When people do have a facelift, I usually ask my patients to sleep mostly on their back for the first week or two depending on exactly what was done.
Having a facelift at 33 yrs is somewhat unusual. But, follow the directions of the doctor doing the surgery. With your head elevated after the surgery, move it side to side when sleeping. It is best not to sleep for long periods on one side of the face. If this happens, the swelling that occurs will correct with the head position corrected. Just make sure the head is in a proper
position when elevated. The chin is elevated with the head elevated.
position when elevated. The chin is elevated with the head elevated.