“Which doctor is best for ACL pain?”
I am an 18 year old female. I want to know which doctor is best for ACL pain?
5 Answers
ACL injuries do not usually cause pain. They cause instability of the knee. An Ortho sports doc should be able to handle the problem well.
The big question is what makes you feel the pain is coming from your ACL? There are lots of structures in the knee; so, many things that can contribute to pain. If you had an MRI and it showed a full ACL tear, then an orthopedic surgeon is best. however, if its just knee pain or a partial tear, then seeing a sports medicine physician who is either nonsurgical (primary
care sports medicine) or surgical (ortho) would be ideal. If no ACL rupture, then it isn't likely to require surgery so either can manage.
I hope that helps.
care sports medicine) or surgical (ortho) would be ideal. If no ACL rupture, then it isn't likely to require surgery so either can manage.
I hope that helps.
It is best to get evaluated by a sports medicine or orthopedic physician if you were having knee pain and concerned about a possible ACL injury. Often times evaluation can’t help significantly, other times and MRI is needed to confirm.