Dentist Questions Dentist

Why are my teeth sensitive after scaling?

I had a scaling yesterday. Now my teeth are very sensitive. Is it normal?

2 Answers


This is perfectly normal, and usually subsides. There are two reasons for sensitivity after the scaling is performed. First, the calculus and plaque are removed from the teeth. This exposes the root surfaces which increases sensitivity. Second, in proper scaling, the endotoxins from the bacteria are removed by removing the superficial layer of cementum covering the roots. This also increases sensitivity. The best thing you can do is brush with an anti-sensitivity toothpaste like Sensodyne and follow your doctor's instructions on post-treatment care. It will take some time.

It is very common for teeth to be sensitive after a deep cleaning or scaling. The teeth are sometimes coated with tartar which acts like an insulator to the sensitive root surface. Furthermore, when a patient needs scaling sometimes the gums have receded which makes the problem even worse due to the fact that more root surface is exposed.