Dentist Questions Dentist

How long should you wear dentures each day?

I am a 72 year old female. I want to know how long should you wear dentures each day?

9 Answers

You should leave your dentures out of your mouth for at least 8 hour for tissue revascularization each day.
As much as you need to properly function. Keep them out when sleeping
All day, except to sleep. Take them off while sleeping at night.
You can wear dentures all day, but you should take them out at night, if possible...
I recommend to my patients that you take them out a night. This allows better blood circulation in the tissue that is under the denture. Blood flow is important as it nurtures and protects the tissue. I hope this helps
Generally, we tell patients to take their dentures out at night. This allows your gums to "breathe" and prevents you from traumatizing them at night if you tend to clench or grind. (Most patients will say, "I don't do that," but most people don't know unless someone else tells them they do.) At the very least, if you do sleep with them in, then leave your dentures out for several hours a day.

It is recommended to wear your dentures during the day and take them out at night, clean them and store them in water or a denture bath.
Hope this helps.
You should remove your dentures whether a partial or complete denture at least several hours every day. It is easiest to do this when you are sleeping but if you feel more comfortable to take them out in the day, possibly while bathing/showering or while watching TV or doing house chores, that is fine too. Think of it as if you wear socks and never remove them. Your feet would be prone to infections, especially fungal. Your mouth is no different.
Dentures are intended to be replacements for the natural tissues in the mouth that are no longer present; the gum and bone that support the teeth and the teeth themselves. Therefore, comfortable dentures should be worn all day long, removed at night and cleaned thoroughly. Many dentists advise patients to leave their dentures out at night to allow the tissues to rest and because grinding of the teeth (dentures) at night can be destructive to the remaining bone in the jaws, thus, affecting the fit and "hold" of future dentures.

However, in the past 10 years there has been concerns about removing dentures at night because of Sleep Disordered Breathing (SDB) or Sleep Apnea. To maintain an airway dentures may be necessary to be worn at night.

I hope that helps. Please consult your Physician and dentist with regards to your question to decide what is right for you.