Dentist Questions Dentist

Will a deep cleaning help receding gums?

I have gum recession and want to treat it. Will a deep cleaning help receding gums?

5 Answers

Your gums won't grow back as a result of the cleaning. You will need gum grafting to accomplish that. The deep cleaning and ongoing periodontal maintenance will prevent your gum disease (and gum recession) from getting worse.
Deep cleaning will remove the hard deposit and soft plaque under your gum that is causing bleeding when you brush and bone loss that occurs with chronic periodontitis. Usually, there is a lot of preoperative gum swelling and this resolves (goes down) after deep cleaning. So often it will look as though your gums have receded even more but it's just the gum swelling going downs
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Deep cleaning may be necessary before other therapies to treat the recession, but by itself it may not have a significant benefit to reverse receeding gums.
The purpose of a deep cleaning is to remove the tartar, which is a cause for advanced gum disease. The tartar will cause gum inflammation and eventual bone loss. Receding gums can be caused by long-standing inflammation, forceful toothbrushing and orthodontic movement of teeth in the outward direction away from the center of the bone. If your gums are stable and healthy, a gum grafting procedure can be done to address the gum recession, if it is an esthetic concern.
While it may help stop progression it will not cause gums to grow back