Dentist Questions Mouthwash

Are mouthwashes safe for kids?

Is it safe to use mouthwashes for kids? Are there any chemical ingredients that I should watch out for?

7 Answers

Alcohol mouthwashes not indicated for children but flouride mouthwashes are great
I would make sure they are spitting mouthrinses out. One with fluoride in it is the way to go. Act for kids is what I usually recommend.
Yes, kids mouthwash
There are many kids with various oral health conditions. If your licensed dentist in your area, or pedodontic (child) dentist specialist, recommends a mouthwash, ask him/her to specify the brands that are acceptable. That way you cannot go wrong.
Being able to spit out adequately is a developmental milestone that children reach at the age of 6 years. It is not recommended to encourage mouthwash use in younger children. The only mouthwash 6 years of age and older children/adolescence should use is a fluoride rinse to help prevent cavities.
I would dilute any mouthwash used with children.
Mouthwashes are safe for kids so long as they are not swallowing large quantities. Many washes are predominantly alcohol; so check the label for ingredients. If you are concerned about preventing cavities, then more important is to brush thoroughly, floss a few times weekly, AVOID carbohydrates between meals and see a dentist regularly.