“What are the best foods with high water content to fight dehydration?”
With the sudden change in weather, my daughter gets dehydrated very fast. Once, she even fainted in school and when she was brought to the hospital, the doctor had given her glucose. She drinks 3 bottles of water per day. Do you have any foods to recommend for her that have a high water content?
10 Answers
Citrus fruits, melons, grapes - these kind of very juicy fruits are high in water content. Cucumbers are as well, and coconut water (real coconut water, no sugar added and not diluted). However, without knowing your daughters weight and activity level and dietary state, or what size bottles she is drinking, “3 bottles” may not be enough and drinking enough water is the first step. Anything with caffeine (soda, black tea, energy drinks, etc) is dehydrating so if she drinks these beverages, she is worsening her dehydration and should cut them out.
Water itself is the best hydrating agent. She needs to drink enough water in order to be well-hydrated.
The best way to beat dehydration is to eliminate soft drinks, energy drinks etc and drink 8 - 10 glasses of filtered water per day.
Unfortunately, you have to see your GP or have you seen one already? The food will give the supply. But you have to know if she is absorbing, digesting, retaining water or losing more because her cells do not keep them as they should. And if she is young, get studies because if there is a family history of diabetes, you have to get on to her weakness in dealing with sugar.