“Can a chiropractor fix a forward head posture?”
I am a 24 year old male. I want to know if a chiropractor can fix a forward head posture?
9 Answers
A chiropractor can adjust the joints of your neck and give you exercises that will help you treat forward head posture. It is important to identify the contributing factors that result in that posture. A good chiropractor will take a history, do an exam, and give you advice on how to correct this problem.
Yes, after well evaluation of c/s on X-ray and mri or ct/scan film and make sure that you or your family never had rheumatoid arthritis.
Like any postural changes, correcting forward head posture will take time. Yes, chiropractic adjustments can definitely help and with corrective exercises that you do at home your posture can be corrected. Just like straightening teeth with braces, it doesn’t happen overnight. It takes many months of care to bring back the normal spinal curvatures. Also, it may help to change bad habits that may have contributed to the problem in the first place such as texting behavior and time spent at your computer. Working together with your chiropractor to correct spinal imbalances can fix your forward head posture over time.
Forward head posture is often a result of poor posture. Going to a chiropractor is a great idea. It may take some time, but getting evaluated by your chiropractor and setting up a treatment plan will get some great results.
Absolutely. Manipulation of the neck and upper back can be beneficial, but you will need to stretch the muscles on the front of the body like the scalenes, pecs and anyerior delts while you strengthen muscles on the back such as trapezius, rhomboids and posterior deltoids. Good luck. Correcting that problem will save you degenerative changes in the neck in the future.
Dr. Eric Miller
Dr. Eric Miller
Typically, yes, it does take being aware of computer and phone use and doing certain exercises to bring head, neck, and shoulders backwards. You're young, so it will be easier.
Yes, this and other posture related issues are becoming more common in the Chiropractic offices. They are very well trained to correct these issues.
Chiropractic is a licensed doctor who does diagnosis and either preforms and/or recommends treatment. The question is what is causing the problem with the spine and that requires diagnosis. Diagnosis can't be done without an examination. If the cause is postural then Chiropractic care with it's many therapeutic treatments including exercises is the treatment of choice. However, if the problem has a structural component the treatments will still help, but may not totally eliminate the underlying cause. Don't wait to have the examination as the younger the patient is when the problems is detected and treated the better.