Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Can a chiropractor help with knee tendonitis?

I am a 43 year old male. I want to know if a chiropractor can help with knee tendonitis?

8 Answers

Generally yes
Yes, a qualified Chiropractor with knowledge and experience of sports injuries can help treat you for knee tendonitis. The Chiropractor will listen to your history, understand the mechanism of injury, do a thorough exam of the knee to rule out any complicating factors and prescribe a treatment regiment.
Absolutely. Most chiropractors will want to identify why you have the tendinitis in the first place. They should take a good history and to a complete examination of the the knees, hips, ankles, and low back, because each of those areas could be contributing.
Yes, a Sports Chiropractor will have extensive training and experience with this complaint.
Many of the joints (upper and lower extremities) that have tendinitis can be treated successfully with chiropractic.