Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Can stretching aggravate sciatica?

I am a 39 year old male. I wonder if stretching can aggravate sciatica?

7 Answers

Yes, stretching can aggravate sciatica. The sciatic nerve which originates in the lumbar spine and travels down the back of the leg becomes inflamed and painful. Although strength exercises for the core are beneficial, many stretches of the leg muscles can actually inflame the sciatic nerve even more. It’s important to go slow and gentle whenever there are inflamed nerves and monitor your pain tolerance carefully.
Unfortunately, sometimes stretching can aggravate conditions such as sciatica. But, sometimes it is a necessary aggravation. often, stretching the glutes, piriformis, or lower back can aggravate symptoms initially, but often helps loosen the muscles which may be causing pressure on the nerve. Go at it gently at first and try to increase intensity with time. Try ice if it gets too sore.
Good luck.

Take care and be well,

Dr. Eric MIller
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Stretching is great for sciatica, however, you should ease into it to avoid exacerbating your condition.

Improper stretching definitely could aggravate sciatica! Specific stretches for your spine and condition should be given to help reduce your sciatic pain!
Hope that helps!

Dr. Josh Barton
In most cases, stretching, done properly, can help sciatica, but I know personally that stretching can make it worse. It really depends on the nature of the injury and where the cause of the pain is coming from.

Skylar Bakko, DC QNCP PAK BFM

Sciatica is a symptom of pain radiating down the leg partially or fully. The actual cause of the pressure on the nervous system must be assessed first. Stretching may exacerbate the sciatica because the pain is coming from the swollen irritation of the nerve itself.
Stretching can aggravate sciatica depending on which structure(s) is/are causing the sciatica. If the piriformis muscle is causing the sciatica, stretching can help. If the sciatica is caused from a herniated disc, stretching may aggravate it. It is important to consult a professional to properly diagnose the cause of sciatica. A Chiropractor, or Doctor of Physical Therapy are both qualified for this task.